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Mission and Bylaws




Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the PEORIA AREA MOUNTAIN BIKE ASSOCIATION.



Section 1. The mission of the Peoria Area Mountain Bike Association (PAMBA) is to promote off road bicycling through education of land managers and trail creators, trail creation, trail maintenance, and social events.


PAMBA is dedicated to responsible use of the trails by bicyclists through a few simple concepts, the goal being to open trails for bicyclists and to build more trails where they are appropriate.


Mountain bikers have a responsibility to minimize the impact on the land they use. Mountain biking helps build personal commitment to environmental protection and open space preservation.


Mountain biking is a legitimate and sustainable activity enjoyed by people of all ages and abilities. The sport’s environmental impact can be managed effectively by proper trail design and maintenance, which PAMBA provides to land managers. Mountain biking’s social impact can be managed by dispersing use, providing adequate trail opportunities for all trail users and by emphasizing responsible trail use through education.


PAMBA believes that all trail users have a responsibility to contribute to the upkeep of trails. Few government agencies have the personnel or the money to adequately maintain trails on their own. PAMBA and its members are dedicated to volunteering regularly for trailwork projects. PAMBA also provides financial support to the mission by providing education, monetary support, volunteer hours, and materials to land managers within the Peoria area, to include but not limited to The Illinois Department of Natural Resources, The US Army Corps of Engineers, The Metamora IL Park District, The Pekin IL Park District, The Peoria IL Park District, The Bartonville IL Parks Board, The Village of Creve Coeur IL, and Wildlife Prairie Park.


PAMBA promotes the social aspect of off-road bicycling through education and special events. PAMBA hosts mountain bike races to raise funds for trail projects including tools, educational materials, and building supplies. We also have group rides and club events open for all to join.




Section 1. Any person interested in off road bicycling shall be eligible for membership upon application.


Section 2. Applications for membership are available from the Association.


Section 3. Persons under 18 years of age must have a liability release form, provided by the Association, signed by a parent or legal guardian before they can be accepted into the Association.


Section 4. Individual dues shall be $20 per year payable in January. Couples or family dues shall be $30 per year payable in January. Changes in dues must be approved by a majority of the voting members at a regular meeting. Memberships paid on or after September 1st  will be grandfathered into the following year.


Section 5. Any membership may be terminated by resignation.


Section 6. The Officers reserve the right to reject the application or terminate the membership of any party for just cause.




Section 1. Officers shall be as follows:


A. President – Calls meetings; acts as chairman at meetings; periodically communicates with other Officers to organize Association activities.


B. Vice President – (added by Association vote in 2006, replacing position of Secretary) – Acts as chairman at meetings when President is unavailable; takes minutes of meetings, records Association activities.


C. Treasurer – Maintains Association funds; pays bills at the request of Officers; keeps records of active memberships; maintains financial statements and records; reports Association’s financial status to Officers and general membership at monthly meetings.


Section 2. All officers shall be nominated at the regular meeting in October (changed from January by vote in 2006) and shall be elected by a plurality of those members voting through a ballot process by current members in good standing at the following November meeting. Elected officers shall begin their term in January and hold office for one year or until their successors are elected and duly installed. If an officer is unable to complete his or her term of office, the remaining officers shall appoint a member to fill the unexpired term at the next regular meeting.


Section 3. The officers shall have control and management of the affairs and business of the Association between regular meetings. Any action of the Officers may be overridden by a 2/3 vote of members present and in good standing at any meeting.




Section 1. There shall be 11 regular meetings called by the President per calendar year, one per month, except for the month of December, where there shall be no meeting. (changed 2005 from 6 regular meetings per year).


Section 2. There shall be meetings of the Officers as needed.


Section 3. There shall be special meetings at the request of any member upon approval of a majority of the officers or at the request of any officer.


Section 4. At all regular or special meetings, motions may be passed by a simple majority vote of the Association members present.


Section 5. Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised, shall govern the proceedings of the Association at all meetings, subject to the special rules which have been or may be adopted.




(Coordinators positions added by vote in 2006)


Section 1. Committees and / or coordinators shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Officers and shall consist of one coordinator or one chairperson per item.


Section 2. Committee chairs and / or coordinators shall report to the President and the Vice President.




Section 1. The Association shall hold status as a not for profit organization through the Secretary of State of Illinois.


Section 2. At any meeting, an amendment to these bylaws may be introduced by any Association member in good standing. Such amendments to the bylaws shall be effective upon ratification by 2/3 majority of those members present and voting and in good standing.


Section 3. Distribution of assets upon dissolution (added by vote 2011). All Association assets to include, but not limited to, tools, educational material, money, and other property shall be dispersed, as remaining members see fit, upon the possible dissolution of the Association.


(IMBA affiliation mentions removed in 2023)

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